What is QuickSIN?
Have you ever wondered how your current device compares to the latest hearing technology? Do you have any hesitations that a newer device will really improve how you hear?
We now have a science-based approach that will give you the answers to those questions.
Benefits of testing
Kubick & Kubick Hearing Aid Center is excited to announce that we now offer the QuickSIN test at our practice.
This is not a replacement for a hearing test. The purpose of the QuickSIN test is to provide a way for us to measure your ability to hear while in noise.
Apples to apples
The most valuable part is that you have the unique ability to compare hearing aids from different manufacturers and for you to tell us which aid(s) you hear best with.
This test has completely revolutionized the way we fit and recommend hearing aids at Kubick & Kubick.
Custom fitting & personalized hearing care
Unlike a franchise or a big-box store, we do not have a manufacturer telling us what device(s) we have to fit our patients with. As a private practice, we are able to focus exclusively on what is best for you.
This same level of care continues throughout the fitting process and beyond. Our focus is driven by our sole desire to help you hear best, always.
Getting more info
The feedback we have received since introducing QuickSIN has been tremendous. If you have ever wondered whether a new pair of hearing aids will improve your life, we encourage you to call and make an appointment today!